ME3 launch and #solcomms

ME3 launch and #solcomms

I know this is old news because i have already grounded the game into the dust in a nearly 100% run (i missed a handful of side quests 🙁 ). I was jsut htinking about how epic the lead up to the mass effect 3 launch was. the #solcomms, now lost to the wisps of time though i hope to god it was saved somewhere, was a breathtaking spell binding story that had me wrapped up in watching a twitter feed for the better part of the day. It wasn’t so much the official bioware #AllianceNewsNet feed that had me enraptured, thoguh that story was pretty good… despite the fact that they killed my favorite reporter on the citadel in a frackin twitter feed. It was the group 30 or so dedicated RPtwitters and the hundreds, if not thousands, more who suddenly took the story of the reaper attack on earth and spread it like it was real. it was breathtaking to watch an organic story born out of the passions of a fandom and reach to all parts of the world on the word of mouth of fans. The story was riveting enough that when Emily Wong died and the fans were weaving her into their story, the hash tag RememberEmily popped up and there was a sense of pride and a need for vengenance that swept throguh me. i admit I almost cried and I felt more for her lose than many reporters who make the news in real-life. It sounds terrible but the thing bioware has done is make their me characters so alive that they mean something to me. They mean something so unique and special that they are my characters as well. It’s amazing the level of writing their writers have done