Tales Of Alexander


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Greetings! My name is Alexander Pereira.

My day job involves me getting paid to play video games with hospitalized children. No seriously. I know, it’s pretty awesome. I get to be part of a growing field that I can help shape. In my ‘free’ time, I play video games, game master and play TTRPGS, watch anime and am generally a geek. I’m also a science-fiction/fantasy author, a ballroom dancer and a Roman Living Historian. 

I am a big believer in the power of storytelling and seek to use it in all corners of my life. Because I’m me, I also have about a thousand things I want to be learning, mastering and doing all at the same time.

One of those crazy projects is my Patreon! Most of the blog posts from Novemeber of 2019 onward are going to be tied to that. Check it out and if you like my writing, think about supporting me!

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