The Third Week of the Prompt a Week Writing Challenge

The Third Week of the Prompt a Week Writing Challenge

I want to give a thanks to Dennis Mckieran for the god’s names and to Kill bill for show me what a chain fight might look like (other several other more… accurate youtube videos)
I actually got this done a day early than I suspected, chain fighting is bloody hard to describe and even harder to write.
Week 3: Write a fight scene between a priest wielding a holy spiked chain and a vampire. (Inspired by Realms of the Dead)
“Priest. You seek to meddle in my affairs yet again?” The shadow-cloaked figure snarled.
“Eldwynn’s Light protect me from Gyphon’s servants.” The priest finished his prayer as he stepped in front of the young women lying in blind ecstasy on the ground. A soft glow, like that of the moon, chased the shadows away.
“She came to me Priest. You have no claim here.” The no-longer shadowed figure hissed softly in pain.
“Rath, I told you this is my city didn’t I? I have a claim on all of Adon’s creatures in my city. Even though who have been swayed by the darkness.” The priest was calm, despite the primal appearance of the man before him. Blood, black in the low lighting, dripped down his mouth and when he spoke, fangs could be seen. His nails almost seemed like claws in the uncertain shadows of the night. The women at the priest’s feet let out a soft sensual moan and Rath’s eyes went pure black.
“Stand way from my lawful prey Priest, or I will feast on your blood.”
“We’ll see.” The Priest pulled a long chain from his robe. At its tip, seeming to glow within its own inner light, was a dart. The vampire let out a hiss a fear. Even through its bloodlust it knew that weapon, it had been hurt by that weapon. The priest began another chant, placing an amulet on the girl’s breast, and placed his hand on her neck. There was a whoosh of air followed by an inhuman screech. The vampire rebounded into the street, smoke rising from his shirt as a silvery shield swirled around the priest. The Priest rose slowly, letting his chain hang in his hand. The pale shield faded away as the vampire struggled to his feet.
“Begone, get of darkness! Adon’s world is no place for your kind!” The Priest shouted. The spike blurred in the air, a silver streak in the night, as it dove toward downed vampire. It cracked the pavement where it struck, the vampire blurring out of the way in the last instant. The Priest was already moving, the chain recoiling as fast as it struck. Rath regained his feet, hissing out a foul sounding language as he and the priest circled each other. The holy spike hummed as it traced a glowing circle at the Priest’s side.
Suddenly an ebony-blackness rose up from the ground around the priest, swallowing him in its whole. The edges of the shadow rippled with tentacles tipped with grasping jaws. The cloud ripped viciously into anything with life in it, a hapless tree on the edge of the cloud was torn into dissolving splinters in seconds. Rath chuckled and stepped around the cloud, he might be undead and its summoner but he wasn’t going to risk himself. As he approached the unconscious women, a thin reedy wail rose from the cloud. Rath turned, just as a line of white fire ignited on his cheek. He hissed and ducked as the Priest’s dart vanished back into the cloud. As Rath struggled to stamp out the fire that was slowly licking up his face, the cloud emitted several more thin wails. Rath was forced to dodge several more slashing cuts of the chain as a glowing light began to break through the cloud.
“Unholy undead who consorts with demons!” Rath flinched as a deep baritone resonated from the cloud, “Adon grants his light to burn out your dark stain, repent for thine end has come.” A bright flare, that of the angry summer sun, ripped the ebony cloud to pieces with a final wail. In the middle of the pulsing flare stood the Priest, robe in tatters but hale. The dart began to glow with the fire of the sun and the Priest lunged into an attack. Fire lines slashed in the air as the priest whipped the chain weapon out attack after attack. Rapid changes in momentum came from the chain being caught by spin kicks forced the vampire to focus solely on his dodging. Rath hissed when the chain wrapped around the Priest’s neck, the sudden acceleration drawing a fiery line across Rath’s chest. The dart was everywhere, flicking around in response to the vampire’s superhuman speed as the chain wrapped and unwrapped rapidly around the Priest’s body. Finally, Rath dove under the chain, claws out stretched as he closed the distance. He drew a ragged tear across the Priest’s chest, blood cascading in waves over the torn grey robes. Rath suddenly let out a shriek of pain as pure fire explode into his chest. He stared in horror at the glowing dart that had punched into his chest
“Eldwynn grants you peace, Adon renders judgment. Go to your long delayed fate.” The Priest’s eyes were sad as fire engulfed Rath. Wearily, the Priest shuffled back to the girl and lifted her.
“This is no place for a lady. I’ll see you safe.” He muttered softly, and began the slow walk back home.