Description Writing Work

Description Writing Work

She remains a mystery yet, shrouded by quiet and veiled in the tantalizing gossamer of horded stories. I will be the first to admit that with such a mysteries even the most brilliant writings will pale in comparison to her light. Where shall we start? Of her appearance, there is much to be said but only by poets whose skills in painting pictures with words can surpass the finest artists. She is a fair beauty, unconventional but spell-binding all the same. Copper brightly polished and struck with a glow of the sun and sealed with its smile dances in her hair and laughs in her movements. The true spell is laid within her smile and her eyes. There is nothing demur or dainty about them, they are not the hollow beauty that is lauded of in so many tales and books. No instead she reveals the glorious radiance of a flame, a wit sharper than any blade and brilliant personality within. Her smile is equal-parts cocky and stunning, conveying a great sense of humour and life within, warmth radiates from it. Her smile drowns you in its glamorous certainty. The crook at the edge hints of jokes missed or waiting to be told and the sparkle of her eyes assures you of her fond regard. Of her eyes, I find a great lacking of authority within myself, much to my great disappointment. Under their gaze, one feels the weight of a brilliant soul pressing against oneself, testing and playing. It is the gaze of someone with wisdom far beyond her years but tempered with her youth and vibrancy. In meeting it, the world ceases to matter. In the cliché of losing oneself in her eyes, with her you both lose yourself within the depths of her beauty and find something so alive it frees you.
The power hidden within the smile is as indescribable as her beauty is impossible to catch with mere words. Men have long-sought beauty as beautiful and rare as that of the moon, but that is not her. That beauty is one of appearance and of quietness, for the stars and moon are the souls of quietness in their proper form. This is not her, she does not deserve to be hidden in the shadows of the night no matter how elegant the moon is. She is a soul of fire and steel, tempered and layered with all the subtle beauty of a katana and a wit sharp enough to rival the fabled blade. She as free as morning’s first light, tempered and tested like quenched steel and as elusive as a white hart. She is kind and good humoured with a wit as quick as anyone’s. When one is around her one can’t help but fell more humanly alive, her fiery personality shining in a radiance more humble than the sun’s but far more beautiful for it’s humanity. The aura of hers comforts even as it pulse with a noble life and heart.
A million and more are the number of things that can describe her, adjectives and words that would ferret out the corners of her beauty where writers fumble and accept those more that remain hidden,. A million and more words could not begin to paint you a picture that could grasp her radiant aura and all that encapsulates the resplendence that is her.